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Your Total Guide To Business

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November Talk with Tieran Dubique and Deanna Roberts

IT’S NOVEMBER! – the year is coming to an end and Q4 is well under way. November is often known as ‘green’ month and with COP26 taking place in Glasgow it’s even more resonant this year. However it’s also the month of Movember, kindness and preparation for the festive season.

Today we’re talking to Tieran Dubique and Deanna Roberts, who are directors of See No Bounds Bristol Central which is an online business directory that helps local businesses in the Bristol area and expand their network through a community setting.

What is your business highlight for November 2021? 
The main highlight for See No Bounds Bristol Central is the launch of the new franchise. We are excited to create a hub within the Bristol community and inspire those to create connections that will support and create growth for them and others. 

And what about a personal highlight for this month?
For us, our personal highlight is that we have ticked off one of our life missions to travel the Caribbean whilst launching a new franchise that focuses on building and expanding community. 

Starting our journey in the island of Barbuda and Antigua its only made us think about how community is so important for many reasons regardless of culture or location setting.

This is a month for Bonfire Night and Diwali, due either of those meaning or memory for you? 
Bonfire night reminds me (Deanna) of getting cosy and that winter is upon us. As a kid every year as a family we would create a bonfire and watch fireworks with those in our local neighbourhood.

November represents movember - men’s health awareness month what if any does this mean to you?
(Tieran) Personally I haven’t yet taken part in Movember but I have previously worked with charities regarding men’s health through the use of running and is something I am passionate about. 

This year we are excited to set challenges to spread this awareness and keep enforcing how important men’s health awareness is for each individual. 

As we are launching this month, we do want to make this a priority of ours, and work with a charity that supports this message. Moving forward, we would love to continue to work with charities that have great causes where our small contribution can make a big difference. 

November 13th is World Kindness Day - has anyone showed kindness to you in the last month or so? 
We love the thought for encouraging people to be kind to each other. This is something we have experienced in Barbuda as we have been greeted with such warmth from a kind community. 

Kindness costs nothing and sometimes it can really make someone’s day as you never know their background or what they may be going through which sharing that little bit of kindness can go a long way. 

It is also Black Friday on November 26th which is now quite mainstream do you participate this within your business? Or do you prefer to the buy nothing day on 27th November?
Buy Nothing day on 27th isn't something we have heard of before but great to give it a go. We both understand there are drawbacks to overconsumption especially living in the digital world. So, focusing on this day to educate not just ourselves but the community the importance of balance would be a great message to spread. 

Black Friday is also something that has grown but not something we particularly take part in at this due time but excited to work with business to help strengthen them with special offers and giveaways. 

Are there any other awareness days or special weeks in November which are relevant to you? 
Yes, there are quite a few awareness days we’d like to touch base on as we feel it would be relevant to the growth of our business and emerging community.

The awareness days and weeks we have researched:

World Vegan Day on November 1 - Healthy body leads to a healthy mind and educating others on this area can spread the idea of motivating people to try being vegan for the day. 

National Stress Awareness Day on November 6 - stress is something we all encounter, sharing tools and strategies to help support how to deal and manage those stressful situations. 

Science week from November 7th to 14th - focusing on areas relating to neuroscience. 

Sugar Awareness Week  from November 8th to 14th- looking into how much sugar can be consumed and how to take small steps to reducing the quantity we take on a daily basis. 

Talk Money Week from November 9 9th to 12th- focusing on limiting beliefs and emotional intelligence when it comes to cash. 

Anti bullying week from November 15th to 19th- sharing insight into how bullying can cause life long effects that then can create lack of confidence in future goals and aspirations. Informing people where to go to seek support. 

Social Enterprise Day on November 18th -  we believe leadership is an importance factor of growth interview those that can share tools within this area.

Have you got any events planned in November and December that you’d like to shout about? 
The events we have planned are in relation to our launching month. As we want to make noise but continue the creating an impact within the local community and building relationships with businesses and See No Bounds Bristol Central. 

One of our events to mind is doing a live stream, featuring the founders, Jamie and Charlott McAnsh to share the story of See No Bounds and how they built this into something inspiring for all communities.

Throughout the month we will be having lots of activities, challenges and interviews with those that relate to awareness days too and most importantly educating Bristol about See No Bounds.

And finally:
As new franchisees, we are both extremely excited and would like to shout out to all  businesses that want to get in touch. We are very passionate about sharing and learning but most importantly connecting with others and building a supportive community. 


For more information visit www.seenobounds.co.uk

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