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Total Guide to Weddings: Whether to invite children or not

Now here’s a controversial subject for you! Inviting children or not, is one of the big questions that will crop up when putting your guest list together.

With everyone having a different opinion on the matter, and the worry of offending close friends and family if you don’t, it can become a real headache…especially as it’s one of the first questions asked by some of your potential guests!

Let’s put ourselves in a child’s shoes:

They are most likely told (a lot!) on the run up to the wedding that they will be expected to be good and do as their told!  The child is then a bit wary of this upcoming day and may be a bit put off by having to wear best clothes all day and being expected to sit quietly for long periods of time, eat food that they don’t want and not have any fun – boring!

What they want to do is be sociable like the adults, play with the other children, take advantage of a new place and explore it and generally have fun!  This unfortunately leads to them being told off a great deal and them getting irritable.

So…what to do!  Well, only you can decide, but here’s my advice:

If you do invite children to your wedding, ensure that they are well catered for and are entertained throughout.

Have colouring books, crayons, puzzles and games available on the tables - but not cars or trains as these just ensure that the children are on their hands and knees and under the tables throughout!  

Perhaps organise a colouring competition or a photograph scavenger hunt with disposable cameras with a prize incentive which could be announced during the speeches.

Organise a children’s menu with your caterers – they should be more than happy to arrange this and should offer you a reduction in price for children under 8 years of age.

Perhaps put all the children on one table on their own, it will make them feel special – but having their parents in the very near vicinity will keep them in line!

Consider a wedding crèche service.  They will keep the children entertained for as long as you like and should supply aprons to keep them clean and presentable when returning to the wedding – they will even stay on as babysitters.

Organise extra entertainment, such as a children’s magician, bouncy castle or outdoor games (if in a safe environment).

If you don’t invite children to your wedding, be up front about it from the very beginning.

We want to hear your thoughts - do you think inviting children is a good or bad idea?  Are you planning a wedding and torn?  Leave your comments below...

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