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Beauty Cleaning Tips

Being stuck at home for an unknown amount of time certainly gives you the opportunity to clear out a few of your beauty/make-up drawers and bags that never get done! Take a look at a few of our easy tips to a good beauty clear out.

1. Clearing out

Whether it’s a drawer or a bag, lay down some tissue or a mat you don’t mind getting a bit mucky, and empty the drawer or bag on it!

Then start giving that drawer a good clean as it most definitely has all sorts of spilt makeup stains attached to it or give the bag a quick wash in the washing machine if not just give the bag a good wipe down.

2. Clean the caps, bottles and brushes

After giving the containers its kept in a good clean you don’t want it getting dirty straight away. So, give the caps of bottles or the body of the bottles a good clean as dried makeup residue can always affix itself to the bottles. Clean your makeup brushes and sponges with hot, soapy water and leave to allow the makeup to dissolve off.

As well as the outsides open the lids up and if there is any dried makeup around the tops of the lids, clean these around so it makes it easier for the remaining liquids to make their way out of the bottle.

3. Check expiry dates

You may not know when you bought the product and skin products especially like creams or foundations have expiry dates.

So, check which ones may have exceeded their expiry dates and chuck them out to avoid any problems with your skin that may appear due to the product being about of date as it can collect dust and unknown bacteria!

4. Donate

Rummage through the existing makeup you have and take a look through to see if there’s anything you may not use anymore or have bought but haven’t used since buying.

Then put them in a bag to take to your nearest charity shop when they re open or even to friends and family when you are able to see them again.

5. Re arrange

The final step in clearing out your makeup drawer or bag is rearranging it into sections like face makeup and creams all being in one section, eye make-up and care being in another etc.

This will make it so much easier when doing your makeup to which bit you go to first however you do your makeup and just finding things in general, rather than having to rummage round a drawer or bag for 10 minutes!

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