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Better Cardiff
Better leisure centres and gyms in Cardiff offer an array of sports and leisure activities suitable for all ages and abilities.
Various Locations in Cardiff,
Website 020 3457 8700There are several Better leisure centres and gyms in Cardiff that all offer an array of sports and leisure activities suitable for all ages and abilities.
In 2003 the Welsh Government launched a Wales-wide scheme offering free swimming for people 16 & under, during programme sessions. The Free Swimming Scheme was put in place to focus on promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, especially in our younger generation.
If you are 16 or under you can enjoy free swimming during programmed sessions at Better Cardiff centres!
All of Better Cardiff's swimming programmes are supported and delivered by a dedicated team of ASA/UKCC/STA Qualified Aquatic Teachers and Coaches.The Aquatic Officer works closely with the Swim Wales Education Officer to develop Workforce Training across all aquatic disciplines; ensuring that all teachers and coaches are continually upskilled and build upon their knowledge and skills.
To apply and take part in the free swimming scheme, CLICK HERE!
Times and dates will vary at each centre, so if you would like to take part in this scheme, please find your centre to check and book your slot HERE or alternatively you can book via the Better Cardiff App!
Better leisure centres and gyms in Cardiff offer an array of sports and leisure activities suitable for all ages and abilities.
Various Locations in Cardiff,
Website 020 3457 8700In case you missed it see what’s in this section