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Fathers Day DIY

Wood Slice Handprint Art

You will need:

- Wood Slice

- Orange Craft Paint

- Paint Brush

- Black Paint Marker



1. Using the Paintbrush and the orange paint, paint your child’s hand. Try to get all the fingers and the palm.

2. Press hand onto the wood slice, Again making sure to get the fingers and palm.

3. Carefully remove the hand and wash away the remaining paint.

4. Allow the handprint to dry completely. 

5. Ensure the black Paint Marker is working well on a piece of paper. 

6. Draw a hook and line on the wood piece leading from the edge to the palm of the child's hand. Draw a fish eye and mouth on the hand to make it look like a fish.

7. Write on the top “Hooked on” and then your preferred saying (Daddy/dad/dada etc.)

8. Be sure to add the year and name so you don’t forget in the future.

9. You may need to go over the writing and drawing just to make sure it is prominent enough.

10. Allow to dry completely. 


FingerPrint Daddy & Me Mug

You will need:

- White Mug 

- Enamel Paints- Red/Blue/Pink/Orange/Black or Paint Pens

- Thin paint brush



1. Using the coloured paint that you desire, Paint your child's thumb and press the thumb onto the mug to create “Daddy”. 

2. Using a different colour paint, paint your child’s pointing finger and press the finger on to the mug next to the “daddy” figure to create your child. Make sure to leave an inch or so between each print.

3. Using a thin paintbrush, paint legs and arms on each finger print, joining one of the “daddy's” arms to one of the “child's” arms to give the impression that they are holding hands.

4. Use the thin paintbrush to add hair. 

5. Again using the thin paintbrush, write “Daddy” above the characters and then write “& Me” below the characters.

6. Turn your oven on to a low temperature and bake the mug as stated on the enamel paint. You can also leave the mug to air dry but that can take days.


DIY Fathers Day Trophy:

You will need:

- Print out of a clipart Trophy. 

- Recycled Box 

- Pencil 

- Tape 

- Scissors 

- Beads and Rhinestones/ Dried Pasta/Buttons/woodshapes

- Glue Gun

- Gold metallic spray paint



1. Colour over the back of the print out with a pencil, make sure to cover all the back.

2. Tape the print out onto the box (pencil side down) and trace the image, the pencil will transfer your tracing onto the card.

3. Cut out the outline of the trophy and a small semi circle to act as a stand.

4. Glue the beads/rhinestones/ dried pasta/buttons and wood shapes onto the card, anywhere you like.

5. Allow the glue to dry completely.

6. Once the glue is dry, spray the decorated trophy with the metallic gold spray paint, making sure to cover all areas. 

7. Allow the spray paint to dry. 

8. You could even make a frame out of beads etc and add a photo of your children and their dad.

Jar Lid Medals

You will need:

- Jar lids

- Coloured paper

- Air dry modelling clay

- Safety pin or paper clip

- Scissors

- glue/tape



1. Push down one colour of modelling clay into the jar lid, smooth it out as much as possible so you have a flat background to work with. 

2. Using a different coloured clay, cut out or use cookie cutters to make shapes to add on to the jar lid.

3. Cut two strips of coloured paper, and cut out triangles on the bottom of each strip. These will be the ribbons. 

4. Flip the jar lid over and glue the ribbons onto the back of the lid.

5. Using the glue, glue a safety pin/paper clip to the back of the jar lid, this way your child's father can wear the badge with pride.


Salt Dough Dad Magnets

You will need:

- ¼ cup salt

- ½ cup flour

- ¼ cup water

- Cookie cutters

- Acrylic paint

- Magnets

- Craft glue

- Gloss sealer

- Rolling pin



1. Mix together the salt, flour and water to make a dough.

2. Roll out the dough with the rolling pin and use the cookie cutters to cut shapes and letters out of the dough.

3. Line a baking tray with non stick paper and place the dough shapes onto the tray.

4. Set the oven to 250F and bake for 2-2 ½ hours.

5. Let them cool completely before moving onto the next steps.

6. Paint each shape with acrylic paint, any colour you desire. 

7. Attach the magnets to the back of the shapes using craft glue.

8. When the glue has dried, you can add patterns to the shapes if you want to with paint. 

9. Allow the paint to dry and then cover with a gloss sealer. 

Bowling Shirt Origami treat box

You will need:

- Cardstock – one sheet 8.5″ x 11″

- Glue gun

- Scissors

- Ruler

- Pencil

- Scraps of paper for decorating the boxes

- Tiny buttons or marker for drawing buttons



1. Start with the cardstock, fold it lengthwise.

2. Open it back up, and use the fold line as a guide to fold the left and right side into the middle.

3. Turn it over and Score the card 1” from the top.

4. Score 3 ?” and 5 ¼” from the bottom.

5. Fold the top along the 1” score line to the back.

6. Turn the card around to the folded side. 

7. Now score the card from the bottom inner corners to the bottom score line diagonally.

8. Fold along those score diagonal score lines.

9. Cut along both score lines in the centre to the folded edges.

10. Create 4 small tabs by marking ?” from each end. Score and then fold the flaps.

11. Create the collar, next by marking 1 ¼” down from the top along the centre line. Fold both of the top corners to this line.

12. Glue bottom sleeves flap down and the two flaps on top down.

13. Glue the bottom tabs to the bottom of the shirt back.

14. Glue the top tabs to the shirt. 

15. The collar keeps the front of the shirt closed. Just pull back on the collar to slip the front of the shirt under the collar points and the shirt box is finished.

16. Decorate these any way you want.

DIY Fathers day photo clock

You will need:

- Wooden plaque

- Drill

- Photo (Large enough to cover the size of your wooden plaque)

- Clock parts

- Mod podge

- Sponge brush

- Scissors

- pen/pencil

- Acrylic Paint

- Nail file



1. Drill a hole in the centre of your wooden plaque, make sure it is large enough for the clock pieces to fit through. You can then paint your wooden plaque with the acrylic paint.

2. Turn your photo over so it is picture side down and trace around your wooden plaque. Next cut the photo around where you have traced so that the photo fits onto the wooden plaque.

3. Mod Podge the photo onto the plaque. Once dry, you can use a nail file to smooth out the photo edges.

4. Use the pen/pencil to punch a hole in the centre of the photo, making sure it lines up with the whole you previously drilled.

5. Once the Mod podge is dry attach the clock parts to the wooden plaque, following the instructions on the clock parts package.

Roll Up Card/ Scroll

You will need:

- Multi-coloured sharpies/felt pens

- 8 jumbo wooden lolly sticks

- Craft paper

- Black sharpie

- Ribbon

- glue



1. Decorate the 8 jumbo wooden lolly sticks with the sharpies/felt pens, you can decorate these any way you would like.

2. Cut a piece of craft paper to measure 4” x 5 ½ “. Write a message on the craft paper, it can be anything for example: 5 things you love about your dad.

3. Lay the wooden lolly sticks down next to each other horizontally.

4. Apply a generous amount of glue to the back of the craft paper and press onto the wooden lolly sticks. 

5. Once dry, roll up the craft paper and tie with a piece of ribbon.

6. Optional: make a little tag out of the craft paper that says “to dad” and hold punch the top. Then tie it around the “scroll” with ribbon.


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