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We are here today to bring you the best gift of all, spending quality time with friends and family creating wonderful art pieces for easter, from making easter cards to creating astonishing easter bunny houses.

What is better than spending the quality time with the ones you love on easter creating some of the most beautiful and best works from you. Brought to you by TotalGuidetoBristol with extra love this easter!


Rye Grass Easter Basket


You will need:

- Container

- Potting Soil

- Wheat or Rye Grass Seeds

- Watering Can or Spritzer

- Basket

- Easter Decorations


1. Fill the container with potting soil.

2. Place a thick layer of seeds over the potting soil

3. Keep in a sunny spot, water daily, keeping very moist for 7-10 days.

4. Place the container in the Basket and decorate with Easter decorations.

Easter Sweet Centrepiece


You will need:

- Large Clear Glass Vase

- Smaller Clear Glass Vase

- Ramekin

- Artificial Flowers

- Easter mix M&M’s/ Pastel Coloured Sweets

- Marshmallow Bunnies

- Skewers/Cake Pop Sticks


1. Put the Ramekin in the bottom of the big vase and place the smaller vase inside the big vase on top of the ramekin. 

2. Fill the bottom of the large vase with M&M’s

3. Place the marshmallow bunnies on top of the M&M’s, standing up and facing out. 

4. Add more M&M’s on top of the bunnies, until you cant see the smaller glass vase through the side of the large glass vase.

5. Add the artificial flowers to the small vase 

6. Pop some marshmallow bunnies onto skewers and stand them in amongst the artificial flowers.


Easter Bunny Mason Jar Houses


You will need:

- Mason Jars

- Chocolate Bunnies (Small enough to fit in the jars)

- Green Paper Easter Grass

- Mini Eggs

- Brown String/Easter Ribbon


1. Take Mason Jars, wash and dry them thoroughly.

2. Take the green paper easter grass and fill the bottom of the mason jars, just under quarter of the way.

3. Put the chocolate easter bunny in the middle of the mason jar, on top of the paper easter grass.

4. Put mini eggs around the bunny and to the sides of the mason jar (just 1 layer of mini eggs)

5. Put the lids on the mason jars.

6. Tie ribbon/string around the lids of the jars and tie in a bow.


Hanging Bunny Wreath


You will need:

- Plastic Greenery 

- Wire Hangers 

- Floral Wire

- Wire Cutters

- Pliers

- 2x Circle Buckets (One large, One Small)


1. Use the Wire Cutters to cut the hangers and then pull back the hangers so they create one long straight piece of wire.

2. Use the small Bucket and wrap the hanger wire around the bucket to make a small circle.

3. Twist the end of the hanger around each other to secure. This will be the bunnies Head.

4. Repeat Steps 2 & 3 but with the Large bucket. This will be the bunny's body.

5. Use pliers to finish tightening the twists completely.

6. Use the leftover wire to create bunny ears. Bending the wire in to 2 ‘u’ shapes.

7. Attach to the top of the smaller circle twisting the wire once again. 

8. Gather Greenery and attach to the big and small circle using the floral wire to securely attach them. 

9. Use the floral wire to attach the small circle to the large circle. 

10. Tie a ribbon around the join of the big and small circle (the bunnies neck). Tie ribbon to the bunnies head (In Between the ears) and hang.


Egg Plantings


You will need:

- Clean Egg Shells

- Cotton Wool Balls 

- Grass Seeds 

- Eggs Cups 

- Stick on Eyes

- Sharpie


1. Gently crack the top of the eggs with a sharp knife. Carefully peel away the shell. Tip Egg yolks into a bowl. 

2. Gently wash the inside of the eggs with warm soapy water and allow to dry.

3. Place cotton wool balls in the bottom of the egg shells. 

4. Put a few grass seeds on top of the cotton wool balls. 

5. Cover with cotton wool balls, and water. 

6. Stick the eyes onto the egg shell and draw a mouth with a sharpie. 

7. Place in an area with sunlight and that is dry. Keep the cotton wool balls moist.


Bunny Napkins

You will need:

- Wooden Craft Beads

- Pink Paint 

- Napkins

- Raffia/String


1. Paint the wooden beads pink and allow them to dry completely.

2. Fold Napkin in half, corner to corner. 

3. Roll Napkin up, starting from the point. 

4. Fold the rolled napkin into a ‘u’ shape

5. Loop the end of the raffia/string around the napkin and through the craft bead. 

6. Fray the ends of the raffia/ string to make whiskers.

Easter Bunting


You will need;

- Printed cotton fabric (at least 25cm deep)

- 25mm wide cotton tape

- Matching thread. 


1. Make a paper pattern for a triangle. 20cm wide x 25cm deep. Use this to cut out as many fabric triangles as you need. 

2. Join with cotton tape if necessary to get the required length. Press the tape in half lengthwise.

3. Leaving spare tape at each end for hanging, slip fabric triangles inside the folded tape, at 5cm intervals and pin 

4. Stitch along the entire length. Your bunting is complete and ready to hang. 


Flat Origami Easter Cards


You will need:

- Card

- Origami Paper

- Printer 

- Glue Gun 

- Black Sharpie. 


1. Print out any card template with “happy easter” on or write your own message on the card and fold in half. 

2. With your origami paper square, fold in half diagonally to make a triangle shape. 

3. Fold the triangle in half horizontally 

4. Unfold and fold about ¼ inch of the paper up from the bottom of the triangle. 

5. Fold the right corner up to the centre and do the same with the left corner, so they meet in the middle.

6. Turn the paper over and fold the top point down about ¼ “ to make a flat top to the head. 

7. Fold the bottom point up to make a flat chin. 

8. Add a face if you want and attach to the card with a hot glue gun.

Easter Bunny Decorations


You will need:

- Crepe Paper Ball

- Craft Paper

- Pom Poms

- Glue Gun 

- Scissors


1. Open the crepe paper ball.

2. Draw and then cut out ears, eyes and whiskers from the craft paper.

3. Glue the ears to the top of the crepe paper ball, the eyes to the centre of the paper ball but inline with the ears.

4. Take 2 black pom poms and glue them to the eyes on the crepe paper ball.

5. Glue whiskers onto a white pompom. 

6. Glue the white pom pom to the paper ball to create a nose. 

7. Your crepe paper easter bunny is complete. 


Pom Pom Bunny Wreath


You will need;

- 17 large white pompoms 

- 12” craft ring

- Pink and white felt


1. Attach the 17 large white pom poms to the craft ring using a hot glue gun.

2. Cut ears out of the white felt. Cut smaller ears out of the pink felt. 

3. Attach the pink felt ears onto the white felt ears.

4. Attach the ears to the back of the craft ring. 

5. Tie some string around the craft ring and hang.

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